Senegal: 28 canoe captains trained in maritime and inland safety

Banderole formation capitaines de pirogue

The African Confederation of Professional Organizations of Artisanal Fisheries (CAOPA), with the support of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU), is organizing a training workshop on maritime and inland safety in Mbour for about thirty canoe captains and small-scale fisheries carpenters from Senegal.

This three-day activity (from 13 to 15 December 2022) aims to make the captains of small-scale fisheries aware of the security issues, the need to conserve fisheries resources in a context of increasing scarcity of resources and a commitment to action, taking into account the celebration of the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture 2022.

Participants formation SMC

The Secretary General of the National Inter-professional Council of Artisanal Fisheries in Senegal (CONIPAS), at the opening of the workshop, welcomed the initiative of CAOPA and its partners for the organization of this workshop, which, according to him, is a first in Senegal.

Babacar Sarr believes that the meeting should allow knowing: “who is the captain, what are his role and his responsibility towards his team and resources”.

For his part, the president of CAOPA underlined the reasons that led to the organization of such training.

“Today, we are witnessing many accidents, deaths and disappearances at sea. I am not saying that it is the responsibility of the captains. But I believe that if they are well trained and informed to know how to manage their crews, it can limit what we observe,” said Gaoussou Gueye.

Gaoussou GUEYE
Gaoussou GUEYE

He called on the State of Senegal to identify the captains, give them a professional card and allow them to have the required training before becoming a canoe captain.

Gaoussou Gueye proposed that the authorities in charge of fishing create a training centre dedicated to small-scale fisheries. Because, “Safety at sea should not be limited to life jackets. It is from the conception to the launch”, said the president of CAOPA.

Mr. Gueye promises that this training will be given in the WAEMU countries and beyond, in other countries of the African Union and ECOWAS. 

For the Fisheries Inspector of the Thiès region, this training “will help reduce accidents at sea and improve the working conditions of fishermen”.

Abdoul Aziz LY

Abdoul Aziz LY says that “this training is special”. “We chose the most appropriate target: the captains and carpenters of artisanal fishing canoes. Because it is these captains who are primarily responsible for the safety of the crew and the driving of the canoe. They are also responsible for the proper management of the fishing sector,” he explains.


The Inspector says that fishing has become a very complex sector. It is a dynamic and fast-moving sector.

“Today, the fisherman of Mbour is no longer limited to Mbour. He goes as far as Conakry, Guinea Bissau, Sierra Leone… and he has to lead a very complex crew. So it takes several days of sailing. And fish is becoming scarce. He has to be in contact with authorities in other countries,” Mr LY said.

He recalls that the sea has become very rough because of climate change. It can be stable and then rough at any time, he says. “If you don’t have a well-trained and well-prepared man for that, it’s a lot of damage.”

With all these challenges in mind, it is essential to have a well-trained, intelligent man with a sense of charisma that enables him to lead his boat to a safe harbour.

At the end, some results are expected: to change behaviour through increased responsibility of the captain; to disseminate this training to the other stakeholders; and to professionalize the work of canoe captains.


In the afternoon of Tuesday 13 December 2022, the participants of the training workshop on maritime and inland safety for canoe captains visited the landing dock and canoe manufacturing site in Mbour.  

Quai de pêche Mbour
Quai de pêche Mbour

OBJECTIVE: Observe, note, and ask questions. On returning from the field, they made a report on the findings and made recommendations for improving the working conditions of small-scale fishing professionals.

During the visit, the participants discussed with the head of the control and quality department of the cold room (CRYOSOLAR);

A canoe captain, coming back to the sea;

A fisherman of the purse seine;

The chief carpenter of the dock;

And the coordinator of the Kourelgui safety       



Mamadou Aliou DIALLO

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