CAOPA calls for urgent measures to prevent dugout canoe sinkings in West Africa


The African Confederation of Professional Organizations for Artisanal Fishing (CAOPA) expresses its deep concern at the upsurge in sinkings of fishing canoes currently occurring in Senegal and other countries in the West African sub-region. These tragedies, which have caused considerable loss of life and property, are having a severe impact on many families living on the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean.

In this rainy season, when conditions at sea become particularly perilous, it is imperative to act quickly to protect the lives of those who depend on the sea for their livelihood. CAOPA is therefore calling for a collective mobilisation and the implementation of urgent measures to prevent these tragedies from being repeated.

  • Our recommendations are as follows:

1. Raising awareness among sea users:

We invite the authorities of the countries concerned, as well as the various competent services, to intensify awareness-raising campaigns among fishing communities. These efforts should focus on the specific dangers associated with the rainy season and on the safety measures to be adopted.

2. Improving the dissemination of weather information :

We call on each country’s meteorological service to make weather information available in real time, on all communication channels, and in a way that is accessible to all users of the sea. Reliable and rapid information can save lives.

3. Involvement of women in awareness-raising :

We strongly recommend the involvement of women at boarding areas. As mothers, wives, sisters and daughters of fishermen, they play a crucial role in the community and can be powerful vehicles for raising awareness of safety at sea.

4. Lifejackets must be worn and made available :

CAOPA is calling for lifejackets to be made available at an affordable price for fishermen. The wearing of these jackets must be made compulsory for every sea trip.

5. Strengthening controls at boarding sites :

Lastly, checks at embarkation areas need to be stepped up to ensure that a precise list of people on board is kept, including the number of passengers and their destination. This measure is essential to ensure follow-up in the event of an incident at sea.

CAOPA remains committed to working alongside fishing communities and the authorities to promote safety at sea and prevent further tragic loss of life. We call for swift and coordinated action to protect fishermen, who are the key to food and economic security in our region.


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