Benin: Training on processing and value-adding techniques for fisheries products

The African Confederation of Professional Organizations of Artisanal Fisheries (CAOPA), with financial support from the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU), is organizing a training workshop on processing techniques for fish products for women processors and fishmongers from BeninThe workshop will take place from 10 to 12 May at Cotonou Labour Exchange.

This support is part of the improvement of the structuring of the fisheries sector and the strengthening of technical and institutional skills of actors in the Member States of the WAEMU.

The general objective of this workshop is to strengthen the professional capacities of women fish processors. The specific objectives are: to train the beneficiaries on the use of good hygiene practices (GHP) and good manufacturing practices (GMP) in the processing and value-adding of fishery products, as well as on innovative techniques for processing and value-adding of fishery products.

The beneficiaries will be trained in the use of and compliance with GMP in the processing and marketing of fishery products. They will have acquired the necessary skills to use innovative value-adding techniques in the processing and marketing of fishery products.

The implementation of this approach will have to take into account a certain number of characteristics allowing controlling processes, the safety parameters in the face of constantly evolving regulations, the conservation of products and their shelf life. The training provided in this workshop should enable the introduction of innovative products for a new nutritional and economic appeal to the processing of products and the value-adding of species, in particular with low commercial value.

Women make up a significant proportion of the workforce in the fisheries sector, but they often face barriers that prevent them from enjoying the economic benefits of the sector.

This training workshop will help to strengthen the skills of women fish processors and help them improve the economic performance of the fisheries sector and their contribution to economic, social and environmental growth in the sub-region. It will also allow them to diversify their activities, increase their production, improve the quality of their products and strengthen their competitiveness on the national, sub-regional and international markets.

Mamadou Aliou DIALLO 




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