Workshop to review the Senegalese maritime fishing code: CAOPA mobilizes professionals in Thiès

The African Confederation of Artisanal Fisheries Professional Organizations (CAOPA), with the support of OAK Foundation, is organizing a two days workshop in Thiès on the 2nd and 3rd of May 2023, with the aim of contributing to the review of the maritime fishing code.
This workshop aims to take into account and insert the relevant international instruments for artisanal fisheries.

The workshop programme has several objectives. Firstly, a review of the articles concerning artisanal fisheries in the law and its implementing decree will be carried out. Secondly, an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses in the application of the law and its decree will be carried out. These first two objectives allow for an assessment of the current situation of artisanal fisheries at the national level.

The aim is also to integrate the relevant international instruments for fisheries, in order to improve the management of marine resources and to protect the interests of artisanal fishermen.

The workshop will bring together representatives of CAOPA, the National Interprofessional Council of Artisanal Fisheries of Senegal (CONIPAS), the National Network of Local Artisanal Fisheries Councils (RNCLPA), the National Network of Fishing Docks, the Network of Artisanal Fisheries Women, the Platform of Non-State Actors in Fisheries and Aquaculture (PANEPAS), the National Union of Fishmongers of Senegal (UNAMS), pirogue captains, the Association of Fisheries Communicators from Community and General Radio (ACPRCG), authorities and experts from the fisheries sector, etc.

The participants will discuss the challenges faced by artisanal fishermen in Senegal, such as overexploitation of marine resources, pollution and climate change. They will also examine the international instruments relevant to fisheries, and determine how these instruments can be integrated into the Maritime Fisheries Code.


CAOPA’s objective is to ensure that the rights and interests of artisanal fishers are protected and taken into account in the management of marine resources.

The review of the Maritime Fishing Code is an important process to ensure sustainable and equitable management of marine resources in Senegal. By integrating relevant international fisheries instruments, the Maritime Fisheries Code can help protect the interests of artisanal fishers, promote the sustainability of marine resources and strengthen fisheries governance.

Communication of CAOPA

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