Abidjan, 8th March 2023: Tribute to Fatoumata DIALLO

On this 8th of March 2023, the day dedicated to women’s rights, your family, your colleagues from Africa and the world, and all those who loved you are here today to pay you a vibrant tribute. We are here, gathered in this place, to thank you for all that you have done to improve the living conditions of all those who work in the small-scale maritime and inland fishing sector and to say goodbye to you.

You were passionate about fish and everything that revolves around it. And you told us so in May 2021 in Bamako in your training Centre “The rural women”.

Hommage à Fatoumata DIALLO banderole
Hommage à Fatoumata DIALLO banderole

“Fish is everything for me in life. I have had everything thanks to fish and I am doing everything thanks to fish. I defend fish and everything that is around fish”

Fatoumata, the fishmongers say THANK YOU. Your fight for the happiness of others is never in vain. Know that you have left a great void.

Fatoumata, you left before us, at a time when we all needed you, your noble services, and God reminds us, that here on earth, our life is fleeting.

We are very happy to have shared with you a part of your life. You who had the art of cultivating friendship and good humor, you made all these moments joyful and unique. How can I forget them?

You were faithful in friendship and generous, a unique person for whom we will continue to pray for his eternal rest.

Your departure leaves a huge void in the hearts of all those gathered here in Abidjan, far from your Centre (Bamako). We take advantage of these emotional moments to send our most sincere condolences to all the members of your family.

We wish you to rest in peace Fatoumata.


Pancartes Hommage à Fatoumata DIALLO En




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